PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-31 - KLOCKAN: 22:28:43 - Check it out
Carma is a bitch, just make sure that bitch is beautiful
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-31 - KLOCKAN: 21:15:26 - Diary

That little piece of hope we all hold on to
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-31 - KLOCKAN: 13:56:54 - Diary

Sunshine through my window
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-31 - KLOCKAN: 11:18:51 - Diary
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-31 - KLOCKAN: 11:04:54 - Diary
I've been to the mountain top.
Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead.
But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind.
Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain.
And I've looked over and I've seen the Promised Land.
I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land.
So I'm happy tonight.
I'm not worried about anything, I'm not fearing any man.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
- Martin Luther King
Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attidude, a lady with class.
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-30 - KLOCKAN: 20:44:33 - Photos

You said it
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-30 - KLOCKAN: 18:28:14 - Diary

God morgon!
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-30 - KLOCKAN: 09:40:15 - Diary
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-29 - KLOCKAN: 16:30:54 - Diary

You're the only one that I want, think I'm addicted to your light
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-28 - KLOCKAN: 12:31:29 - Diary

Red dragon
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-27 - KLOCKAN: 21:28:12 - Diary
Sitter hos N och kollar på något som är way 2 scary for us, Red Dragon!
Jag brukar inte kolla på skräck filmer sen jag såg Paranormal Activity men N är stort fan av skräck och inte så förtjust i svenska b program och jag menar vad gör man inte för en gammal flamma? ;)
I'm on some new shit, I'm chuckin my deuces up to her
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-27 - KLOCKAN: 18:49:44 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-27 - KLOCKAN: 17:11:50 - Diary
Happy things to do
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-27 - KLOCKAN: 14:30:23 - Diary

We are what we want to be
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-27 - KLOCKAN: 14:18:12 - Diary

God morgon!
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-27 - KLOCKAN: 11:19:47 - Diary
Gold bottles, scold models, spillin’ ace on my sick J’s
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-26 - KLOCKAN: 23:51:15 - Photos

Godnatt loves
Under ground queens
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-26 - KLOCKAN: 23:02:03 - Photos

I ain't thru
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-26 - KLOCKAN: 17:08:50 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-26 - KLOCKAN: 00:11:49 - Diary

Colour me
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-25 - KLOCKAN: 20:42:07 - My wardrobe

Put some in my life
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-25 - KLOCKAN: 16:02:20 - Diary

Dreaming away to sunshine land
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-25 - KLOCKAN: 15:31:51 - Outfit

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-24 - KLOCKAN: 12:01:30 - Diary
Sweet dreams
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-23 - KLOCKAN: 22:56:17 - Diary

Give it up for...
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-23 - KLOCKAN: 21:14:19 - Check it out
Walking in snowfall
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-23 - KLOCKAN: 20:46:56 - Diary

Fall so hard
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-23 - KLOCKAN: 08:40:47 - Diary

I make belive. That you are here. It's the only way I see clear.
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 20:48:22 - Diary

I found heaven on earth
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 19:19:58 - Photos

Grant me this wish and meet me back here in a year. If we still exsist I can let go of my fear
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 15:42:43 - Photos

My cellphone will be a swagger *
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 15:33:33 - Diary

Dreamin with Louboutin
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 14:18:55 - Diary

I see how everything is torn in the river deep
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 13:51:15 - Photos

I'm leavin on sunday morning
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-22 - KLOCKAN: 11:55:27 - Diary
Godmorgon loves!
I think about the little things that make life great
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-21 - KLOCKAN: 23:35:22 - Diary

Nothing is forgotten and nothing is forgiven
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-21 - KLOCKAN: 18:31:20 - Diary
Come around to another time
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-21 - KLOCKAN: 14:43:29 - Check it out
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-21 - KLOCKAN: 11:05:42 - Diary

Something happens when we slow dance
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-21 - KLOCKAN: 00:01:56 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-20 - KLOCKAN: 18:52:50 - Diary
No boys allowed
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-20 - KLOCKAN: 17:17:31 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-20 - KLOCKAN: 16:04:04 - Photos

To look for...
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-19 - KLOCKAN: 15:26:20 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-19 - KLOCKAN: 13:27:51 - Diary

Amber R
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-18 - KLOCKAN: 14:15:08 - Photos

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-16 - KLOCKAN: 19:20:39 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 21:13:36 - Photos

Got swag
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 20:56:18 - Check it out
Because the camera doesn’t see beyond the walls of the smiles
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 17:53:26 - Photos

Sunday chill out
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 16:36:00 - Photos

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 16:05:00 - Check it out
My true love
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 15:07:06 - Photos

The Vampire Diaries
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-15 - KLOCKAN: 11:12:08 - Diary
I'm out
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-14 - KLOCKAN: 18:02:38 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-14 - KLOCKAN: 15:49:10 - My wardrobe

Fyndade på stan idag, två par jeans och en beige kofta från Lindex
Baby you got to understand, you are my heaven on earth
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-14 - KLOCKAN: 14:39:21 - Diary

PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-14 - KLOCKAN: 14:21:31 - Diary

Dear life
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-13 - KLOCKAN: 22:07:44 - Diary

'cuse the wind is blowing hard you see
PUBLICERAT: 2012-01-13 - KLOCKAN: 15:09:28 - Diary
Fast i snöstormen med N. Hur fan ska vi komma hem härifrån?